Breakfast and Brunch, Side Dishes

Hash Brown Potatoes

Makes 4 to 6 servings These simple potatoes can be dressed up with cheese, bell peppers, leeks, chives, or scallions. Serve them with eggs or smoked salmon for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Ingredients 2 lb white (or chef’s) potatoes 2 tablespoons clarified butter or vegetable oil Kosher salt, as needed […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Home School: Sautéing

If there is one cooking technique you really need to know, it’s sautéing. Sautéing is how we can most easily cook a tasty chicken breast, yummy veggies, and quick stir-fries. It’s quick, requires basic tools, and is, frankly, hard to mess up. Sautéing and the closely related technique of stir-frying […]