Breakfast and Brunch

Double Cheese Breakfast Burritos

Makes 6 servings Breakfast burritos are a great make-ahead breakfast that can be frozen and reheated whenever you need a quick grab-and-go meal. These are a bit decadent, but you can simplify (and health-ify) with turkey bacon, mashed avocado, black beans, or even just leftover grilled or roasted veggies. Ingredients […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Drying Techniques for Preserving Foods

Whether it’s for long-term storage, sweet treats, or prep for a long hike, drying foods is a great way of not just preserving food by extending its shelf life, but also reducing their size and weight for efficient storage or carrying. There are multiple techniques for drying and dehydrating foods. […]

Chef's Blog, Family Fun

Take it With You! Make-ahead Recipes for Camping

Summer is the time for getaways, and we especially love road trips that end with camping! Everyone has a different idea of what camping means. You might be a no-frills camper who hikes through the woods with just the essential gear, sleeping in the grass under the stars. Or maybe […]