Chef's Notes Plus

Meltaways to Celebrate your BFF!

The best part of Valentine’s Day (besides the chocolate!) is celebrating the people we love—whether that’s our parents, our brothers and sisters, girlfriends and boyfriends, or just our besties! And, sure, we think part of celebrating your BFFs is doing something fun, a special little treat can certainly help. We […]

Chef's Notes Plus

Tempering Chocolate for Homemade Candy

Tempering chocolate is the process of heating and cooling chocolate to ensure that it will set with a proper gloss and snap. Tempered chocolate will set quickly and will not show streaks or spots as it sets. Once set, properly tempered chocolate will harden and have the desired snap and […]

Chef's Blog, Chef's Notes Plus

Tempering Eggs for Smooth Custards and Creams

Tempering is a technique that allows you to add eggs to a hot liquid without scrambling them. We see tempering in recipes for crème brûlée, vanilla sauce, pastry cream, and some savory cooked egg dishes. The technique itself is simple but fast-moving, and it requires some preparation before beginning to […]