Main Dishes, Sandwiches

Madeira-Glazed Portobello Sandwiches

Makes 8 servings Portobello mushrooms a dense, meaty texture when cooked. They can be prepared for this recipe a day ahead; cool the broiled mushroom caps completely and refrigerate until needed. Slice the mushrooms and allow them to return to room temperature before assembling the sandwiches. Use dry marsala or […]

Main Dishes

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Tacos with Avocado-Pineapple Cream

Makes 4 servings These are a super-simple vegan dinner that is both flavorful and super filling. We used black beans and sweet potato to fill our corn tortillas, but you can substitute butternut squash and chickpeas, if that’s what you have on hand. You can make the pineapple-avocado cream a […]