Chef’s Tip: How To Trim and Bone a Pork Loin

A whole pork loin often costs less than a trimmed boneless loin. Removing the fat and bones is relatively easy, and the bones and any lean trim can then be roasted and used to prepare a rich brown jus or stock. In this Chef’s Tip, learn how to properly trim […]

Chef’s Tip: How To Truss Poultry

The object of trussing or tying any bird is to give it a smooth, compact shape so that it will cook evenly and retain moisture. Several different methods for trussing poultry exist, some involving trussing needles, some requiring only string. In this video, learn the proper technique to trussing poultry […]

Chef’s Tip: Icing a Cake

The best and most consistent way to achieve a clean coat of icing is to apply two coats. The first coat or crumb coat should be very thin; the thicker second layer is applied only after the first coat has set. This video illustrates the proper way to ice and […]

Chef’s Tip: Lamination

Laminated doughs include puff pastry, croissant, and Danish. In this video, we’ll go over the proper mixing methods, rolling techniques, and temperature controls that are essential to producing laminated doughs that are flaky and delicate after baking.

Chef’s Tip: Lean Dough

Lean doughs contain only relatively small amounts of sugar and fat, if any. Breads made from lean dough tend to have a chewier texture, more bite, and a crisp crust. Hard rolls, French and Italian-style breads, and whole wheat, rye, and pumpernickel are considered lean. In this video, we’ll show […]

Chef’s Tip: Making a Bisque

Traditionally bisques are based on crustaceans such as shrimp, lobster, or crayfish, and thickened with rice, rice flour, or bread. In this video, we’ll show you the contemporary technique for making a bisque using as a roux as the thickener.

Chef’s Tip: Making a Brown Sauce

At one time the term brown sauce was equated exclusively with the classic sauces espagnole and demi-glace. Today it may also indicate jus de veau lié, pan sauces, or reduction-style based on a brown or fortified stock. In this video, we’ll show you the essential steps in making a brown […]

Chef’s Tip: Making a Buerre Blanc

The quality of the butter is critical to the success of a beurre blanc. Unsalted butter is best because the salt level can be better controlled. In this Chef’s Tip, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a basic buerre blanc.

Chef’s Tip: Making a Buttercream

Buttercreams are made by blending soft butter into an egg-and-sugar base. Buttercreams help to make elegant cakes and tortes. In this video, we’ll show you how to make a delicious buttercream in just three easy steps.

Chef’s Tip: Making a Cream Soup

The main flavoring for some cream soups is often a single ingredient, such as broccoli, asparagus, chicken, or fish. In this video, we’ll show you the 6 steps to follow for making a creamed soup.