Chef’s Tip: The Deep Fry Method

Deep-fried foods have many of the same characteristics as pan-fried foods, including a crisp, browned exterior and a moist, flavorful interior. However, deep-fried foods are cooked in enough fat or oil to completely submerge them. In this video, we will show you the proper method for deep frying food.

Chef’s Tip: The Deep Poach Method

Deep poaching and simmering call for food to be completely submerged in a liquid at a constant, moderate temperature. In this video, we will how you how to produce foods that are moist and extremely tender using the deep poach method.

Chef’s Tip: The Diagonal Bias Cut

The diagonal bias cut is often used to prepare vegetables for stir-fries and other Asian-style dishes because it exposes a greater surface area and shortens cooking time. In this Chef’s Tip, we’ll show you the technique to master this vegetable cut.

Chef’s Tip: The Dice Cut

The dice is a standard vegetable cut, where the product is cut into cubes. The different-sized dice cuts are fine brunoise/brounoise, and small, medium, and large dice. In this Chef’s Tip, we illustrate the method used to create the various dice cuts.

Chef’s Tip: The Foaming Method

The foaming method is any method in which the eggs are whipped or beaten to incorporate air before they are folding into the rest of the batter. In this video, we’ll show you the basics of the cold foaming method.

Chef’s Tip: The Julienne and Batonnet Cuts

Julienne and batonnet are long, rectangular cuts. Related cuts are the standard pommes frites (used for French fries) and the allumette (or matchstick) cut. The difference between these cuts is the final size. In this Chef’s Tip, we’ll show you how to achieve these cuts in a few easy steps.

Chef’s Tip: The Up and Over Technique

Fillets are one of the most common fabrications for fish. These boneless and (usually) skinless fish pieces can be sautéed, grilled, baked, formed into paupiettes, or cut into tranches or goujonettes. Round fish are fabricated into two fillets, one from each side of the fish. One method for use on […]

Chef’s Tip: Tomato Concassé

Concassé (to crush or grind) refers to tomatoes that are peeled, seeded, and roughly chopped for use in sauces, stews, salads, and other recipes. In this video, we’ll show you the simple steps to properly concassé.

Chef’s Tip: Working with Live Lobster

Lobster is best when purchased alive. Whether it will be served out of the shell or used in salads, stuffings, or as a garnish, it can be cooked whole by steaming, grilling, or deep poaching. Once the lobster is cool enough to handle, the meat can be removed from the […]

Eggplant Caponata

From the warm shores of Sicily, caponata is a multi-purpose blend of eggplant, onions, and peppers in a sweet-and-sour vinegar sauce called agrodolce. Chef Aaron Foglietta shows you how it’s done in this new video.