Main Dishes

Mushroom Tortelli with Parsley Sauce

Makes 6 to 8 servings Use whichever mushrooms you prefer for this dish. Experiment with different varieties to see how they change the flavor profile of the dish. Ingredients Mushroom Stuffing 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove 1 shallot, minced 2 lb mixed wild mushrooms, cleaned and cut […]

Main Dishes

Tortelli with Stracchino Cheese and Zucchini

Serves 4 to 6 You can also dice the zucchini very small, sauté them, and mix them into the filling in step 1. Serve with tomato sauce or butter and sage sauce. Ingredients Stracchino Tortelli 12 oz stracchino 1/2 cup fine fresh white bread crumbs 1/4 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, plus […]