Grilled vegetable kabobs.
It's grilling season, and we wanted to remind you that grilling can be a family activity—even if Dad thinks he’s the grill-master!

Grilling is an easy, quick, nutritious, and flavorful way to cook lean pieces of meat, poultry, seafood, and vegetables. Wood, gas, or charcoal heats the grill bars and cooks the food, giving it a smoked, charred taste.

Sometimes the foods are seasoned (sprinkled or rubbed with salt and pepper and/or spices) or marinated (soaked in a flavorful liquid). Marinades can include barbecue sauce, steak sauce, or mixtures that contain spices, mustard, fruit juices, garlic and/or ginger, and usually a small amount of oil.

When choosing items to grill, remember that simple grilling is a quick-cooking method, so the pieces should be portion-sized or smaller. Great ingredients for grilling include:

  • Chicken
  • Firm-fleshed fish like salmon and swordfish
  • Pork loins and chops
  • Tender beef steaks, like ribeyes or New York strip steaks
  • Hamburgers
  • Sausages and hot dogs
  • Soft veggies, like zucchini, pepper, and eggplant
  • Fruits, like pineapple or peaches

You might have a gas or charcoal grill in your backyard. A gas grill is fueled by propane and has knobs for controlling the temperature. A charcoal grill burns charcoal; you control the temperature by using more or less charcoal and by arranging it under the grate so that some parts of the grate are closer to the charcoal than others. Whichever one you use, always have an adult light the grill.

Fun Fact: Charcoal is made from burned wood that is compressed into briquettes or cut into chunks.

So, what are you grilling this weekend? We love dogs and ‘burgs, but if you’re feeling like something new, here are some of our favorite easy grilling recipes:

And don’t forget the tasty side dishes!!